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时间:2022-07-11 13:00:29




on uncivilized behaviors

we cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in our daily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words in public places and so forth. all these are bad manners that we should not lose sight of. as an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years, china is witnessing a surge in improper acts that every chinese citizen should feel ashamed of. uncivilized

behaviors by a host of chi ……此处隐藏10462个字……spared. objectively speaking, in the examination, the limited time and urgent situation make students have no more effort to care about their spelling and the fact is that they have to write as quickly as possible to finish it on time, leaving some

characters vague or incorrect.

just as is said above, spelling, in a sense , mirrors the content, so a direct result of the bad spelling is the low academic score in the exam for it is hard to expect a text full of undistinguishable words to receive a good appreciation. further, once the habit of lax spelling was formed, in a long run the quality of being negligence could also be gradually shaped, which would undoubtedly exert negative impact for our

future work and life.

